Thursday, 5 March 2015

A fresh start and February Round-Up

Hello there!
I've decided to give this craft blogging thing another go.  I'm hoping to make this a bit more useful than it was, so gone is all the random waffle and I'll instead be focusing mainly on craft book reviews (I have enough to open a small library!), tutorials and help with a few Japanese craft kits.

However, I'm going to start with a Round-Up post of the projects I've worked on in the last month.

At the start of the year, I set myself a little challenge to make something every week.  Here's what I worked on in February, which will also provide a bit of a sneak peek of what things will be coming along on this blog in the near future:

From top to bottom, left to right, we have a Valentines card, a 'Project Wooser' needle felted creation for a birthday present, a finished quilted bed runner which I spent most of Jan making, three felted items from a Japanese book ready for a review, a paper-craft calendar (better late then never...) another needle felted creature from a different book and a gadget cosy which is intended to be my first tutorial...

As you can see, it's been a productive month and I've managed more than one make a week (not sure I'm going to manage to keep that up mind!).  Hopefully more details of a number of these items will be appearing in reviews and tutorials here soon.

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